LDAP command creator from "properties"

Author(s): Adam Bulla | Created: 27 July 2024 | Last modified: 27 July 2024
Tested on: -

LDAP command creator from "properties"

How to use

Search filter:

(.*) (.*)

Replace filter

replace: $1\n$1: $2\n-

Then add the necessary dn and modification Example:

dn: cn=pwdpolicy,cn=ibmpolicies
changetype: modify

remove all unnecessary



pwdMinLength 14
pwdInHistory 20
pwdMaxFailure 3
pwdMustChange true
pwdMinAge 86400
pwdLockout true
pwdMaxAge 7776000
passwordMinAlphaChars 2
passwordMinOtherChars 1
passwordMaxRepeatedChars 2


replace: pwdMinLength
pwdMinLength: 14
replace: pwdInHistory
pwdInHistory: 20
replace: pwdMaxFailure
pwdMaxFailure: 3
replace: pwdMustChange
pwdMustChange: true
replace: pwdMinAge
pwdMinAge: 86400
replace: pwdLockout
pwdLockout: true
replace: pwdMaxAge
pwdMaxAge: 7776000
replace: passwordMinAlphaChars
passwordMinAlphaChars: 2
replace: passwordMinOtherChars
passwordMinOtherChars: 1
replace: passwordMaxRepeatedChars
passwordMaxRepeatedChars: 2