Install Resilient integration server
Create a minimal CentOS 7 server, configure dependencies for Resilient Integration Circuit and install RIC.
Author(s): Tamas Bures | Created: 16 April 2019 | Last modified: 22 February 2025
Tested on: -
Table of contents
Install and configure Resilient integration server↑
- Installation media for CentOS 7 (Download here - Choose Minimal ISO)
Install CentOS↑
In this guide, CentOS will be installed as a virtual machine (VM) using Vmware.
Create hardware settings for VM↑
To create the initial hardware settings for the VM, follow the steps below (using Vmware Fusion):
- New - Create a custom virtual machine
- Select Linux - CentOS 64-bit
- Create a new virtual disk
- On the last page, click the Customize Settings
- Before you can customize, you need to save the VM, save it.
- Once you on the VM's settings window, remove:
- Camera
- Printer
- USB & Bluetooth
- Sound Card
- Configure the disk to have 40 GB and store it in a single file.
- Add the downloaded ISO to the CD/DVD drive and check the Connect CD/DVD Drive checkbox.
- Configure network (make sure that this new server can reach the Resilient Platform and also it should have connectivity to the Internet)
- Adjust CPU to have at least 2 cores and adjust memory to have at least 4GB
- Power on the VM.
Install CentOS↑
If your configuration is okay, CentOS install wizard should start. To install CentOS, follow the steps below:
- On the first page, select Install CentOS 7
- Press Enter on the next screen to begin installation.
- Once the installation wizard loaded, set the proper language you want to use during installation and click Continue.
- Configure network by enabling the interface and set a hostname (i.e.:
). - Disable kdump and Security Policy.
- Accept the default partition settings.
- Set the date time. If you have internet connectivity, you can update it using Network time.
- Configure keyboard for your needs.
- Click Begin Installation button.
- While the system is being installed, set a password for
user and additionally create another account and wait for the installer to complete. - Once the installation finished, Reboot the machine.
Configure CentOS↑
Before we can get started installing the Resilient Circuits framework, we need to tune the OS itself, and install some required packages.
Once you have the login screen, login with the root
account, and follow the steps below.
Disabling SELinux, issue the following command:
sed -i 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/g' /etc/selinux/config
Disabling unneccessary services.
for i in abrt-ccpp abrtd atd auditd blk-availability certmonger cpuspeed cups mcelogd mdmonitor netconsole numad oddjobd portreserve rhnsd rhsmcertd smartd winbind postfix iptables ip6tables firewalld kdump; do systemctl disable $i; done
Clean up some files:
rm -vf /root/install*log rm -vf /root/anaconda-ks.cfg
Update GRUB and lower the default 5 seconds timeout to 1:
sed -i 's/GRUB_TIMEOUT=5/GRUB_TIMEOUT=1/g' /etc/default/grub grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
Install required packages and update existings ones (if any):
yum -y groupinstall development yum -y install yum -y install telnet net-tools mc yum-utils python36u python36u-pip python36u-devel python-pip python-devel yum -y update
Adding own hostname to the
file:cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.backup echo `ifconfig | sed -En 's/;s/.*inet (addr:)?(([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*).*/\2/p'` `hostname` >> /etc/hosts
Make Python 3.6 default for user:
echo >> ~/.bashrc << EOF alias python=python3.6 alias pip=pip3.6 EOF
Create a dedicated user for Resilient integration:
useradd integration mkdir -p /home/integration/.resilient chown -R integration /home/integration/.resilient
Reboot the machine.
Install and configure Resilient Circuits↑
Once the machine rebooted, login with the root
account, and follow the steps below.
Check Python version (it must be higher than 3.6.4):
python -V
:pip install --upgrade pip
Install Resilient packages using pip:
pip install --upgrade resilient-circuits
Check installed packages (
):pip list | grep -i resilient
Once the packages are installed, login or continue with the integration
account, and follow the steps below.
Generate a default configuration file:
resilient-circuits config -c
Output should be something similar
CREATING config file /home/integration/.resilient/app.config Configuration file generated: /home/integration/.resilient/app.config Please manually edit with your specific configuration values.
Edit the default configuration file (
) by opening with a text editor and adjust the settings:host=<resilient hostname or IP> port=443 email=<> password=<account password> org=<your organization> caFile=<path to PEM file | False if you do not want to check SSL cert.>
Start the integration framework:
resilient-circuits run