Bypass DB2 prerequisite check while installing IBM Security Directory Server V6.4

A simple trich to bypass DB2 prerequisite check while installing IBM Security Directory Server V6.4

Author(s): Richard Lennert | Created: 12 September 2018 | Last modified: 12 September 2018
Tested on: -

Bypass DB2 prerequisite check while installing IBM Security Directory Server V6.4

Note: I encountered this issue while installing ISDS version and with DB2, but this trick will most likely work with other versions as well.

While installing ISDS 6.4 I noticed that the installation of the idsldap-srv64bit64-6.4.0-19.x86_64.rpm was failing with a message similar to the ones below. (This was happening in spite of having a supported DB2 already installed on this machine.)

Supported IBM DB2 is not found.
IBM DB2 is not found.

There's a simple trick that can be used to make the install script skip the check for DB2. Create an empty file the following way. Both the path and the filename should be exactly the same as seen below.

touch /opt/ibm/ldap/V6.4/install/IBMLDAP_INSTALL_SKIPDB2REQ

After this just try running the installation again, you shouldn't see any DB2-related errors anymore.

There's one limitation with this method, after the installation completes, the DB2 version and path must be set manually in the file. See: